
In order to have a good experience in art, a few things that need to happen; having the proper materials prepared for class and knowing expectations.  Beyond this, I have  a few other policies that are important for you know.

To be prepared for class, every student needs to have a few materials every day.
Materials  list:

To make sure everyone has a safe and successful learning environment, students need to know the school and Mr. Freeborn's expectations.  School expectations can be found in the SLMS handbook.  Mr. Freeborn has a few rules specific to his room to help things run smoothly; this is what they look like:

-Only talk to the people at YOUR table
-Raise your hand to speak or get out of your seat
-Stay on task and give your best effort
-Be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn

**If you have problems following these rules, you will be removed from your normal seat until you can show you are responsible enough to return.  If issues persist, you will be put onto a commitment contract and your parent or guardian will be informed of future steps to resolve issues.**

Free Time?  Done with your project?
Below you will find what to do when you have free time and the order to work on it.

1.  LATE OR MISSING WORK.  Completing this is the quickest way to effect your grade.

2. ZENTANGLE.  This is the last project you will turn in for the year.  To know if you are on track with how much you have done, think about how far into the year it is as compared to how much you have completed (Half way through the year {after first semester} you should be half way done with your zentangle).

3. Go to the Free Time tab on this website.

4. FREE DRAW.  If you are done or caught up with other commitments, this is a great option...I love to see what students will create.  I will post some free drawing resources as well to help spark some inspiration. Step by step drawing.

5.  Read, or work on other homework (this does not happen often).

Other Policies-

Music- I always play my own selection of music during studio time, however students often want to listen to their own music.  Certain classes can handle listening to their own music, and I will tell your class if it is possible.  If your class has this opportunity. there are a few things to know:

-Personal music must be listened to on your personal device.  To limit bandwidth issues, students WILL NOT be allowed to stream music from their chromebooks.
-Music is only for work time, not when Mr Freeborn is giving instructions.
-Music must be school appropriate.
-Volume should be low enough that you can still hear Mr. Freeborn when he needs your attention.
-No sharing headphones.  Thats gross.  If and your neighbor want to listen to the same music, use a 
headphone splitter.
-Do not browse on your device (just turn on your music and leave it alone... your focus should still be on your work.