
This is the section where you fin information on how Mr. Freeborn's classroom runs.
Daily Procedures:
-Check the front table every day as you enter class to see if there are any materials you will need for the day.
-Read the board
-Get out supplies
-Be seated and ready to start when the bell rings
-Only have out your chromebook if the board says to have it out (otherwise it should be in a padded case or yourclassroom bin.)  You may use it before or after class.

Late work Policy-
*Due dates can be found posted in my classroom or on power school*
-All assignments need to be turned in on the due date
-Once your project is late a catch-up corner will be assigned.  Catch-up corners will continue to be given until the project is received.

What if you are absent in the middle of a project?
-NO extra class time will be given
-It is your responsibility to come in during advisory (am or pm bcms) or soar (slms)
and/or advisory to make up the work
-You may be able to take it home depending on the project.  This is a last resort, and I always prefer you to work on projects at school...they usually come back in bad shape.  If you are going to take it home, USE A TAKE HOME FOLDER.

What if it is late because you were absent on the due date?
- assignments will be due the end of the week you return to school

Mr. Freeborn's grading process is fairly simple.  Each project is graded based on that project's learning targets that are aligned with the LSR7 middle school art curriculum.  Projects are worth 100pts.

**THIS IS A PROJECT BASED CLASS**  so what that means for you is the majority of your grade will be based on just a couple projects each semester.  If you do not complete your project or content and quality is lacking, your grade will significantly be affected.